In this example we are going to learn how we can
pass values on command line argument .
We are taking a sequence of character from command line at run time. Store these strings into an array string. Show these strings on console as output. If user forget enter string at run time on command line argument then the message
"No values has been entered at the command line" will displayed on screen. To check the user enter string or not at run time we just compare length of argument values .If value is greater than one then display the values on screen else so message "No values has been entered at the command line".
The code of the program is given below:
The output of the program is given below:
We are taking a sequence of character from command line at run time. Store these strings into an array string. Show these strings on console as output. If user forget enter string at run time on command line argument then the message
"No values has been entered at the command line" will displayed on screen. To check the user enter string or not at run time we just compare length of argument values .If value is greater than one then display the values on screen else so message "No values has been entered at the command line".
The code of the program is given below:
public class ArgumentPassingExample{
The output of the program is given below:
C:\convert\rajesh\completed>java ArgumentPassingExample rajesh kumar rahul
The values enter at argument command line are:
Argument 1 = rajesh
Argument 2 = kumar
Argument 3 = rahul
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