Here are four examples of comparing String in Java
1) String comparison using equals method
2) String comparison using equalsIgnoreCase method
2) String comparison using compareTo method
4) String comparison using compareToIgnoreCase method
public class StringComparisonExample { public static void main(String args[]) { String tv = "Bravia"; String television = "Bravia"; // String compare example using equals if (tv.equals(television)) { System.out.println("Both tv and television contains same letters and equal by equals method of String"); } // String compare example in java using compareTo if (tv.compareTo(television) == 0) { System.out.println("Both tv and television are equal using compareTo method of String"); } television = "BRAVIA"; // Java String comparison example using equalsIgnoreCase if (tv.equalsIgnoreCase(television)) { System.out.println("tv and television are equal by equalsIgnoreCase method of String"); } // String comparison example in java using CompareToIgnoreCase if (tv.compareToIgnoreCase(television) == 0) { System.out.println("tv and television are same by compareToIgnoreCase of String"); } String sony = "Sony"; String samsung = "Samsung"; // lexicographical comparison of String in Java with ComapreTo if (sony.compareTo(samsung) > 0) { System.out.println("Sony comes after Samsung in lexicographical order"); } else if (sony.compareTo(samsung) < 0) { System.out.println("Sony comes before Samsung in lexicographical order"); } } } Output: Both tv and television contains same letters and equal by equals method of String Both tv and television are equal using compareTo method of String tv and television are equal by equalsIgnoreCase method of String tv and television are same by compareToIgnoreCase of String Sony comes after Samsung in lexicographical order
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